中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 154 みんなにプレゼント


中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 154 みんなにプレゼント

Story Time

Kota, Briony, Nigel, and Sapna are exchanging Christmas presents.
Kota: These presents are for all of you.

Sapna: Oh, wow! Those are pretty big! Have you been carrying them all day?

Kota: Yes, I have. They were in my bag. Here you are.

Sapna: Thanks, Kota! What are they?

Nigel: They must be a kind of portable fan.

Kota: That’s right, Nigel. They are called uchiwa. They are traditional Japanese fans. They’re often made of paper and bamboo. They’re very refreshing on hot days.

Briony: And there’s Japanese writing on them.

Kota: Yes, I wrote your names in Japanese.

Sapna: That’s so cool. We’ll treasure these!

Words & Phrases

(be) carrying  ~を持ち歩いている、~を運んでいる
all day  一日中
portable  持ち運びできる
fan  うちわ、扇子、 あおいで風を起こす道具
bamboo  竹
treasure  ~を大切にする
refreshing  さわやかな、すがすがしい

Retelling Prep

Kota gave Nigel, Sapna, and Briony uchiwa as Christmas presents. They’re often made of paper and bamboo.


Today’s Goal


Working Out


Have a Chat



Have you been reading a book for two hours?

Have you been playing a game for three hours?

Wrap It Up!


Today’s Story



Today`s Story


