中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 064 はい、チーズ!


中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 064 はい、チーズ!

Story Time

Kota and the Millers enjoy the koala area.
Angie: The koalas are adorable, aren’t they?

Kota: Yeah, they are! Can I hold one?

Guide: Unfortunately, you can’t hold the koalas in Sydney. It’s stressful for them. It’s important for us to give them a peaceful life.

Kota: I see.

Guide: But you can pet one. Go ahead. This one is Katy.

Kota: Wow, her fur looks soft, but it feels rough.

Guide: I can take a picture of you with the koala.

Michelle: Thanks. Here’s my camera.

Guide: Say, “Cheese.”

All (except Guide): Cheese!

Words & Phrases

adorable とてもかわいい
hold ~を抱く
unfortunately 残念ながら、運悪く
stressful ストレスの多い《stress+ful》
peaceful 穏やかな、平和な《peace+ful》
pet ~を優しくなでる
fur (動物の)毛
feels rough (<feel) ざらざらする

Retelling Prep

Unfortunately, you can’t hold the koalas in Sydney. But you can pet one.


Today’s Goal


Working Out


Have a Chat


Wrap It Up!


Today’s Story



Today`s Story


