中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 063 コアラのために、何ができる?


中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 063 コアラのために、何ができる?

Story Time

Kota and Millers are looking at koalas in trees. A park guide tells them about the koalas.
Kota: The koalas look so sleepy!

Guide: Yes. In fact, koalas sleep about 20 hours a day.

Angie: Like you, Kota!

Kota: You, too, Angie!

Guide: Koalas live in trees, but the number of trees is decreasing. This is because of fires and tree-clearing. The number of koalas is also going down. It’s very important to protect their homes.

Kota: What can we do?

Guide: Young people can do many things to help them.

Words & Phrases

in fact 実際
a day 1日に
the number of… ~の数
(be) decreasing(<decrease) 減ってきている
because of… ~が原因で、~の理由で
fires(<fire) 火事
tree-clearing 森林伐採
protect ~を保護する

Retelling Prep

Most of the animals can move around freely. They look comfortable.


Today’s Goal


Working Out


Have a Chat


Wrap It Up!


Today’s Story



Today`s Story


