中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 134 このデータを見て

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 134 このデータを見て

Story Time


Emma: Are you OK, Ayane? Why do you look upset?

Ayane: Well… I have forgotten my social studies report at home.

Emma: What happened?

Ayane: I had too much homework to do last night. I couldn’t finish my report on the SDGs.

Emma: Ah, it’s a complicated topic.

Ayane: I got up early this morning to complete my report. Then, I left it on my desk!

Brandon: Hmm. It’s a big problem for students to have too much homework.

Ayane: Yes, definitely!

Words & Phrases

pie chart 円グラフ
interviewees(<interviewee) インタビューされる人
opportunities(<opportunity) 機会、チャンス
suggested(<suggest) ~を提案した
serve …に奉仕する、~に仕える
concrete 具体的な

Today’s Story


Hi, Emma. Are you working on our article?
Yes. I have already made a graph of the data. I haven’t started writing the article yet.
Wow, this pie chart looks really professional!
Thanks. Check this out. 31 percent of the interviewees said, “The cafeteria should offer more choices of food.” 19 percent answered, “Our school should offer more community service opportunities.”


Interesting! A few people suggested, “We should have a volunteer club to serve our community.” That’s a concrete idea!

Today’s CAN-DO

I have already made a graph of the data.
I haven’t started writing the article yet.

Another Example

Min-jun has already finished his designs.
He hasn’t submitted them yet.

CAN-DO Practice

Have you ever seen a Broadway musical?
I have already bought the book.
Have you ever visited Yakushima?
I haven’t started reading it yet.

Let’s Chat!

Have you written a message to us yet?
Yes, but I haven’t sent it yet.
Do it now! We are looking forward to reading your message.
tora taro