中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 134 このデータを見て


中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 134 このデータを見て

Story Time


Emma: Are you OK, Ayane? Why do you look upset?

Ayane: Well… I have forgotten my social studies report at home.

Emma: What happened?

Ayane: I had too much homework to do last night. I couldn’t finish my report on the SDGs.

Emma: Ah, it’s a complicated topic.

Ayane: I got up early this morning to complete my report. Then, I left it on my desk!

Brandon: Hmm. It’s a big problem for students to have too much homework.

Ayane: Yes, definitely!

Words & Phrases

pie chart 円グラフ
interviewees(<interviewee) インタビューされる人
opportunities(<opportunity) 機会、チャンス
suggested(<suggest) ~を提案した
serve …に奉仕する、~に仕える
concrete 具体的な

Today’s Story





Today’s CAN-DO


Another Example


CAN-DO Practice

Have you ever seen a Broadway musical?
Have you ever visited Yakushima?

Let’s Chat!


