Categories: 基礎英語3 2018

基礎英語3 Lesson 101 I will once again be the first person to reach the finish line this year


Let’s listen to today’s story.

DJ: Good morning Sakurayama! My guest today is the four-time winner of the Sakurayama Senior Marathon, Sato Yoko! Welcome to the show.

Yoko: Good morning! I will once again be the first person to reach the finish line this year.

DJ: Wow, those are some big words!

Yoko: What are you talking about? That’s what you asked me to say at the pre-show meeting!

DJ: You sure are full of surprises!

Yoko: I’m just honest, that’s all.

DJ: So, what makes you run?

Yoko: I think it’s my family. They always wait for me at the finish line.

I will once again be the first person to reach the finish line this year

基礎英語3 Lesson 098 のテキストを英訳してみましょう。文章をクリックすると英文例が表示されます。

Good morning Sakurayama! My guest today is the four-time winner of the Sakurayama Senior Marathon, Sato Yoko! Welcome to the show.

Good morning! I will once again be the first person to reach the finish line this year.

Wow, those are some big words!

What are you talking about? That’s what you asked me to say at the pre-show meeting!

You sure are full of surprises!

I’m just honest, that’s all.

So, what makes you run?

I think it’s my family. They always wait for me at the finish line.

Words & Phrases

four-time winner  4連覇中の王者(4度の勝者)
finish line  (レースなどの)ゴール
big words   大げさな言葉
pre-show  放送前の

Today’s CAN-DO

What makes you run?

What makes+人+動詞の原形? は「何が人に~させるのか?」という意味。Why …? と同様、「どうして~するのですか?」と行動の理由や動機をたずねるときによく使う言い方です。

この make は使役動詞と呼ばれ、「つくる」という意味ではなく、「(人に・・・を)~させる」、つまり何かをするように強いるという意味になります。
makes の後は「人+動詞の原形」という形になり、意味としては「主語(人)+述語(動詞)」の関係になります。

The news made me feel sad.

この文のように、make の主語に人ではなく、物や事柄がきた場合、主語を原因のように訳して、「(主語)によって、(人)は~になった」というような日本語にすると自然です。

CAN-DO 活用例文

What makes you work so hard?

Your kindness almost makes me cry.

Get It Right

What make you feer angry?

tora taro