ラジオ英会話 Lesson 126 見つける:find、discover

Lesson 126 見つける:find、discover


今回は find と discover。どちらも「見つける」を表す重要動詞です。

Today’s dialog


Kaito: Mom, I need to talk to you about Dad.

Mom: Sure, Kaito. What’s up?

Kaito: He keeps on interrupting me while I’m studying.

Mom: Why does he do that?

Kaito: He walks into my room without knocking to tell me these old, corny jokes.

Mom: Oh, yes, Hiroto’s jokes are really bad. He should stop doing that. I’ll find some time to talk to your father.

Kaito: Thank you, Mom. I’d really appreciate that.


interrupt 妨げる、邪魔をする
corny 陳腐な、つまらない



Mom, I need to talk to you about Dad.
Sure, Kaito. What’s up?
He keeps on interrupting me while I’m studying.
Why does he do that?
He walks into my room without knocking to tell me these old, corny jokes.
Oh, yes, Hiroto’s jokes are really bad. He should stop doing that. I’ll find some time to talk to your father.
Thank you, Mom. I’d really appreciate that.

CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR! ~文法のポイントを確認しましょう~

①接続詞 while

He keeps on interrupting me while I’m studying.

②would appreciate の形

I’d really appreciate that.
I appreciate it.(感謝します)というフレーズとこの would appreciate をきちんと区別してください。would appreciate は相手がまだやってくれていないことを「そうしてくれればありがたい、幸いです」と述べるフレーズ。


I’ll find some time to talk to your father.
find は「見つける」を表す基本動詞。「あっ、あった」と頭にクリックが鳴るような感触で何かを見つけたり、何かに気づいたりします。
I found an empty seat by the door.
I found you a great T-shirt.
I arrived only to find that the meeting had been cancelled.
You’ll find Ken’s report interesting.
I’ve finally discovered how to please my boss.


My sister is always trying to find me a boyfriend.
You’d better stop telling lies, or you’ll find yourself in deep trouble.
in deep trouble は「ひどく困って」。「君自身が in deep trouble にいるのを見つける=ひどく困ったことになる。
Welcome back. How did you find Venice?
tora taro