基礎英語3 October 第1週の復習 英訳練習



It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
Yes. I can feel the autumn breeze.
I wonder if Boon will be OK at the national contest.
Ms. Saito is with him. He should be all right.
Hi, guys.
What’s up, Sylphie?
I have good news and bad news.
What’s the good news?
The good news is that Boon came in second place at the vocabulary contest!
Wow, that’s great! I’m so glad to hear that!
And the bad news?
They’re following us. The Negatives.
What are they exactly? What are they going to do?
You’ll see. It is our destiny to face them.


My lord, the Lord of Negative Forces. It is Minus, your humble servant.
Non is here, too. Tell us your order, my lord.
I sense that the spirit of words has been freed. Did you know that?
Yes, my lord. Somebody helped her out of the book!
Oh, that’s great! Being stuck in a book must be uncomfortable.
Stop it, Non. Stay negative!
Now Sylphie is going to cause trouble for us again. Go and find her.
Yes, my lord.
We will catch her and bring her here.
Do not fail me this time.
We said we will bring her back, but how?
That’s what we’re going to plan now!


Look! There’s a school.
It looks like a junior high school.
The students are going home now. Let’s hide in the bushes.
Saya, wait! I want to talk to you.
What’s up, Kana?
You know, we have a group project in social studies class.
Our group is meeting after school tomorrow, and I want you to be there.
Oh, I see….
Last time, you were absent and we couldn’t decide on anything.
Sorry…. I’ll be there tomorrow for sure….
Everyone is doing their part, expect you. You should be ashamed.
Look. The girl named Saya is so shocked she can’t move.
Boy, the other girl was really aggressive.


Hey, RoboCorpus! Why are you following Saya?
I feel sorry for her. I want to help her out.
I feel sorry for the other girl. She looked so frustrated.
It seems both girls need some help.
OK. I’ll tell you what, Lex. I’ll talk to Saya, so you take care of the other girl.
But how?
I can take you to her, Lex.
Oh, can you, Sylphie?
You are a dictionary. She might be interested in an electronic dictionary.
OK, whatever. Let’s do it!
I’ll talk to Saya before she goes back home.

Top of the World – The Carpenters (with lyrics)

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