ラジオ英会話 Lesson 005 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 005 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 001 and① 順行のフロー


Benjamin: Eleanor, I’ve been looking forward to this rock concert for weeks.

Eleanor: Me too. As you know, the Desperate Rats are a super popular band. We were lucky to get such good seats.

Benjamin: We’re so close to the stage.

Eleanor: We’ll be able to see the lead singer. He’s so cool and mysterious.

Benjamin: Right, you told me you like him. Hey, I’m getting hungry. Did you have dinner before coming here?

Eleanor: Well, I made a sandwich and ate it quickly.

Listening Challenge!

Q1; What did the woman do?
A: She saw this singer.
B: She bought a sandwich.
C: She ate a sandwich.
C: She ate a sandwich.

Lesson 002 and② 「命令文+and 」の理由


Will: It was great seeing the cherry blossoms tonight. The lights make them look enchanting.

Riko: I agree. It’s quite a different feeling from the daytime.

Will: We should leave here soon. If I have to take a taxi, my wife will get angry again.

Riko: Because of the taxi fare?

Will: Yes, it’s much more expensive than taking the train.

Riko: Then I guess we don’t have time for another drink.

Will: I’m afraid not. Hurry up, and we’ll catch the last train.

Listening Challenge!

Q2: What will make the man’s wife angry?
A: If he takes a taxi.
B: If he sees the cherry blossoms without her.
C: If he has another drink.
A: If he takes a taxi.

Lesson 003 or① 「選択の or 」


Customer: Excuse me. I’m looking for room slippers.

Clerk: Come right this way, sir.

Customer: Thanks.

Clerk: Here you go. We have a wide selection, as you can see.

Customer: Right. These look good. Do you have them in large?

Clerk: Of course.

Customer: And how much are they?

Clerk: Just two thousand yen. There’s a special 20% discount this week.

Customer: OK. I’ll take them.

Clerk: Thank you very much. You can pay cash, or you can use a credit card.

Customer: Cash, please.

Listening Challenge!

Q3: Which of the following is true?
A: The man will use a discount coupon.
B: The man will pay cash.
C: The man will use a credit card.
B: The man will pay cash.

Lesson 004 or② 「強い指示 + or」


Dad: We’d better hurry, or we’ll miss the train.

Mom: I told you it takes a long time to put on a kimono.

Dad: I know, I know, but we don’t want to be late for our son’s entrance ceremony.

Mom: You can’t rush this. A kimono needs to look perfect or else there is no point in wearing one.

Dad: I wonder if many other women will be wearing a kimono to the ceremony.

Mom: It’s not so unusual. This is Japan, after all.

Listening Challenge!

Q4: What is the woman doing?
A: She is looking at women in kimono.
B: She is helping her husband.
C: She is getting herself ready.
C: She is getting herself ready.

SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



What did you do this morning?


I woke up at 6:30. I brushed my teeth and washed my face.
I enjoyed listening to Radio Eikawa from 6:45 and left home at 7:30, after having breakfast.

②あなたの友人が足をひどく捻挫してしまいましたが病院へ行きたがりません。or を使って友人を説得してみましょう。

I’m OK!


What are you talking about?
You’d better go to the hospital right now, or it will get much worse.


brush one’s teeth  歯を磨く
wash one’s face  顔を洗う
had better 「~したほうがいい」切迫感のある「そうしないと困ったことになる」というニュアンスの表現。
get worse   「より悪くなる」。worse は bad の比較級(より悪い)

tora taro