ラジオ英会話 Lesson 004 or② 「強い指示 + or」

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 004 or② 「強い指示 + or」


今回は or の続き。「強い指示 + or」の形で「さもないと」を表すことがあります。

Today’s dialog


Dad: We’d better hurry, or we’ll miss the train.

Mom: I told you it takes a long time to put on a kimono.

Dad: I know, I know, but we don’t want to be late for our son’s entrance ceremony.

Mom: You can’t rush this. A kimono needs to look perfect or else there is no point in wearing one.

Dad: I wonder if many other women will be wearing a kimono to the ceremony.

Mom: It’s not so unusual. This is Japan, after all.



We’d better hurry, or we’ll miss the train.
I told you it takes a long time to put on a kimono.
I know, I know, but we don’t want to be late for our son’s entrance ceremony.
You can’t rush this. A kimono needs to look perfect or else there is no point in wearing one.
I wonder if many other women will be wearing a kimono to the ceremony.
It’s not so unusual. This is Japan, after all.


had better のイメージ

We’d better hurry, or we’ll miss the train.

リポート文 I wonder if …

I wonder if many other women will be wearing a kimono to the ceremony.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

We’d better hurry, or we’ll miss the train.
You must improve your performance, or you’ll be kicked off the team.
Be there at 10 a.m. on the dot, or we’ll leave without you!
Try harder, or else you’ll never pass the entrance exam.
Apologize right now, or else!

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~

Pay up or face the consequences.
I must call home, or my parents will get worried.
I had better make a great presentation this time, or else.


miss   (乗り物に)間に合わない
rush   ~を急いでする
after all  やはり、結局のところ
improve  改善する、改良する、価値を高める
kick off  追い出す、始める
Pay up 借金を全額払うこと。
face   直面する
consequence  結果
face the consequences  行動の結果に直面する→報いを受ける・墓穴を掘る

tora taro