中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 23 Day 1

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 23 Day 1

Weekly topic

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?


James: Hey, Lena. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Lena: Good question. My mother taught me that I should treat other people as I want to be treated.

James: I like that.

Lena: She always treats people with respect and patience. She’s friendly and helpful and she always makes time for everyone. That encourages me to do the same.

James: Oh, nice.

Lena: She always tells me she’s proud of me. That makes me feel good about myself.

James: I’m impressed. I think the best piece of advice I’ve ever received is to keep trying.

Lena: That’s good advice.

James: A while ago, I was feeling pretty negative about myself. I was doing badly in my studies and on my soccer team, but my best friend said that he knew I could reach my goals. He believed in me, and that really helped me out.

Lena: Aw, I’m touched.

Did you catch it?


be proud of …

believe in …

Boost your communication skills

I’m impressed.

I’m touched.


Ready for another week?  新しい一週間の準備は出来ていますか?
Worked out well  とても役立ちました
spoke fluent English  英語を流暢に話しました
it helped him get his confidence back as an English speaker  それのおかげで、彼は英語の話者としての自信を取り戻した
it’s up to them  受け手次第です
pretty  とても、かなり
particular  ある特定の(方法)
calmly  穏やかに・静かに
tie my shoe  靴ひもを結ぶ
remain  ~のままでいる
achievement  達成したこと、成果
Congratulations!  おめでとう!
in a good way  いい意味で
give these phrases a try  これらのフレーズを使ってみる
Try it out. やってみて

tora taro