中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 192 新しい挑戦

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 192 新しい挑戦

Story Time


Ayane: I’m going to ask Ms. White about starting a new club next year!

Min-jun: Oh? What kind of club?

Ayane: A fashion club! Students could learn how to coordinate outfits, how to draw designs, how to sew…

Min-jun: I think that would be really popular! If you start a new club, I’ll join it.

Ayane: Thanks! Also, we could go on field trips to museums or watch movies about fashion.

Min-jun: How about a field trip to a fabric store or vintage shop? I know a place in the Garment District.

Ayane: Great!

Words & Phrases

coordinate (衣服)をコーディネートする
go on field trips(<trip) 校外学習に出かける
vintage shop ヴィンテージ・ショップ《古くて価値のあるものをあつかう店》

Today’s Story


I’m going to ask Ms. White about starting a new club next year!
Oh? What kind of club?
A fashion club! Students could learn how to coordinate outfits, how to draw designs, how to sew…
I think that would be really popular! If you start a new club, I’ll join it.


Thanks! Also, we could go on field trips to museums or watch movies about fashion.
How about a field trip to a fabric store or vintage shop? I know a place in the Garment District.

Today’s CAN-DO

If you start a new club, I’ll join it.

Another Example

If Min-jun checks out the exhibition, he will forget about his problems.

CAN-DO Practice

If you listen to happy music, you will feel better.
If you watch a movie and cry a lot, you will feel better.

Let’s Chat!

Geoff’s guitar playing is very impressive.
Really? If he gives a concert, I will go.
There is one next month.
tora taro