中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 191 カフェでのできごと

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 191 カフェでのできごと

Story Time


Emma: Here you are! A hot chocolate and a muffin for Ayane, and a hot tea with milk for Min-jun.

Min-jun: Thanks, Emma.

Ayane: What are you going to do after you finish work? Can you join us?

Min-jun: We’re planning to stay until around six.

Emma: Sure, sounds good!

Ayane: Hey, what happened to your apron? There’s a stain on it.

Emma: Oh, I spilled some coffee earlier. Luckily, it was iced coffee.

Min-jun: Do you have another apron?

Emma: No, but that’s OK. I’ll try to wash out the stain later.

Words & Phrases

apron エプロン
stain しみ
spilled(<spill) ~をこぼした
luckily 運よく
wash out ~を洗い落とす

Today’s Story


Here you are! A hot chocolate and a muffin for Ayane, and a hot tea with milk for Min-jun.
Thanks, Emma.
What are you going to do after you finish work? Can you join us?
We’re planning to stay until around six.
Sure, sounds good!
Hey, what happened to your apron? There’s a stain on it.
Oh, I spilled some coffee earlier. Luckily, it was iced coffee.
Do you have another apron?
No, but that’s OK. I’ll try to wash out the stain later.

Today’s CAN-DO

What are you going to do after you finish work?

Another Example

Min-jun is going to study abroad when he goes to college.

CAN-DO Practice

What are you going to do when you go back to your country?
What are you going to do when you leave the team?

Let’s Chat!

Look. My daughters show me a new dance move every day.
Are they going to be dancers when they grow up?
I think they will always be dancers.
tora taro