中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 3 Day 1

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 3 Day 1

Weekly topic

Do we need school uniforms?


David: I envy my older brother so much. He’s a university student, so he can wear what he likes to class.

Angela: That sounds good. But I like wearing a school uniform.

David: Seriously? Why?

Angela: Because it’s easy. I don’t have to think about what to wear.

David: I see.

Angela: Also, without uniforms, students can wear what they like. Some students may show off their expensive clothes. And then other students may feel bad.

David: But we all look the same in school uniforms. It’s better to wear our own clothes.

Angela: Okay.

David: I can wear a sports top or a band T-shirt. I can just show people what kind of fashion I’m into. Then, people will know more about me.

Angela: Well, everyone is different.

Did you catch it?

show off
I’m into.


get better at …  ~がもっと上手になる
blazer  ブレザー
matching pants  おそろいのズボン
necktie  ネクタイ
depend on …  ~によって決まる、~次第
envy  ~を羨ましく思う
Seriously?  まじで?
what to wear  何を着るか
I’m into.  ~がすごく好き、~にはまっている
different opinions.  違う意見
jealousy  嫉妬、やきもち
show off  ~を見せびらかす
I got it.  了解、わかった
you’re into movies.  あなたは映画に関心がある
So, you’re interested in movies. つまり、映画に興味がある
agree  賛成する
if you agree or not.  あなたが賛成かどうか
Walking is a great way to exercise.  歩くことは運動するのにいい方法
focus on …  ~に焦点を合わせる、~を重点的に扱う

tora taro