中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 3 Day 2

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 2 Day 2

Weekly topic

Which do you prefer, studying alone or studying with other people?


David: I envy my older brother so much. He’s a university student, so he can wear what he likes to class.

Angela: That sounds good. But I like wearing a school uniform.

David: Seriously? Why?

Angela: Because it’s easy. I don’t have to think about what to wear.

David: I see.

Angela: Also, without uniforms, students can wear what they like. Some students may show off their expensive clothes. And then other students may feel bad.

David: But we all look the same in school uniforms. It’s better to wear our own clothes.

Angela: Okay.

David: I can wear a sports top or a band T-shirt. I can just show people what kind of fashion I’m into. Then, people will know more about me.

Angela: Well, everyone is different.

Dialogue を聞いて2人の主な意見を理解できたか確認しましょう。

Yes, she does. She likes wearing a school uniform.
from the Dialogue

Angela: I like wearing a school uniform.

No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t like a school uniform.
from the Dialogue

David: It’s better to wear our own clothes.


from the Dialogue

David: I envy my older brother so much. he’s a university student, so he can wear what he likes to class.
Angela: That sounds good. But I like wearing a school uniform.

David: Seriously? Why?

Angela: Because it’s easy. I don’t have to think about what to wear.

David: I see.

Angela: Also, without uniforms, students can wear what they like. Some students may show off their expensive clothes. And then other students may feel bad.

Because it’s easy.
from the Dialogue

Angela: Because it’s easy.

Because she doesn’t have to think about what to wear.
from the Dialogue

Angela: I don’t have to think about what to wear.

from the Dialogue

David: I envy my older brother so much. He’s a university student, so he can wear what he likes to class.
Angela: That sounds good. But I like wearing a school uniform.

David: Seriously? Why?

Angela: Because it’s easy. I don’t have to think about what to wear.

David: I see.

Angela: Also, without uniforms, students can wear what they like. Some students may show off their expensive clothes. And then other students may feel bad.

Other students may feel bad.
from the Dialogue

Angela: Some students may show off their expensive clothes. And then other students may feel bad.

Today’s “takeaway” phrase!

I don’t have to think about what to wear.
I like shopping online because I don’t have to go to the store.
I like weekends because I don’t have to wake up early.
from the Dialogue

Angela: I don’t have to think about what to wear.


chat  おしゃべりする
I’m happy to be here.  ここにいられて嬉しい。
wear what he likes to class  授業に好きなものを着ていく
without uniforms  制服がなかったら
feel bad  不愉快に思う
It’s better to wear our own clothes.  自分の服を着る方がいい
Remember “prefer”?  prefer を覚えてる?
find out  ~を見つけ出す
what to wear  何を着るべきか
How might other students feel?  他の生徒たちはどう思うでしょうか?
If they do  もしそうなら

tora taro