中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 201 朝のニュースショー

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 201 朝のニュースショー

Story Time


Director: Lights, please. Camera one, get into position. Are you ready, Emma?

Emma: I’m ready when you are!

Director: I’m starting the countdown now. Five, four, three, two…

Emma: Good morning. This is KEL 2 News. I’m Emma Johnson. Our top story today concerns an innovative solution for an environmental problem. I want our viewers to understand the importance of this new technology. So, we’re going to show it to you in action. Let’s go live to our correspondent on location in the Pacific Ocean. Brandon?

Words & Phrases

concerns (<concern) ~に関することである
viewers (<viewer) (テレビの)視聴者
importance 重要性、大切さ
in action 稼働中で、実行中で
correspondent 特派員
on location 現地に
the Pacific Ocean 太平洋

Today’s Story


Lights, please. Camera one, get into position. Are you ready, Emma?
I’m ready when you are!
I’m starting the countdown now. Five, four, three, two…
Good morning. This is KEL 2 News. I’m Emma Johnson.
Our top story today concerns an innovative solution for an environmental problem.
I want our viewers to understand the importance of this new technology.
So, we’re going to show it to you in action.
Let’s go live to our correspondent on location in the Pacific Ocean. Brandon?

Today’s CAN-DO

I have been sorting a new shipment of fabrics.
Ayane wants to be a top designer.
Rio wants Ayane to be a top designer.

Another Example

Mr. Patel wants all his students to be confident.

CAN-DO Practice

Geoff wants us to enjoy learning English.
Kim wants us to keep listening.

Let’s Chat!

Why do you want to be a game developer?
I want many people to enjoy my games.
Wow, that sounds quite exciting.
tora taro