中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 007 時差ぼけは大丈夫?


中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 007 時差ぼけは大丈夫?

Story Time

Kota arrives at the Miller family home. His host mother and sister welcome him.


Michelle: Kota, welcome to our home! I’m Michelle.

Angie: I’m Angie!

Kota: Nice to meet you. Thank you so much for hosting me.

Michelle: It’s our pleasure!

Angie: Don’t you have jet lag?

Kota: No, I don’t. Actually the time difference between Japan and Sydney is only one hour.

Angie: Oh, I didn’t know that!

Kota: But it was a long flight.

Michelle: Aren’t you hungry?

Kota: Um… yes, I am!

Michelle: Great, it’s almost dinnertime!

Words & Phrases

hosting (<host) ~をホームステイさせること(~を泊めること)
jet lag 時差ぼけ(時差のために生活のリズムが崩れて体調不良になること)
flight フライト、飛行
um 《ちょっと考えて》うーん
almost ほとんど、もう少しで
dinnertime 夕食の時間

Retelling Prep

Kota doesn’t have jet lag. The time difference between Japan and Sydney is only one hour.


Today’s Goal


Working Out


Have a Chat


Wrap It Up!


Today’s Story



Today`s Story


