中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 151 ブランドンの提案

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 151 ブランドンの提案

Story Time


Brandon: You know, I read an article about a local charity’s food drive when I was writing my report for class.

Ayane: What’s a food drive?

Brandon: People donate food, such as canned goods. The food the charity collects is given to people in need.

Ayane: How nice!

Brandon: We’re exchanging our Secret Santa presents tomorrow, right?

Ayane: Yeah. We’ll meet at Emma’s family’s cafe.

Brandon: Why don’t we bring a box of food to the charity after that?

Emma: Sure! My parents would probably like to help out, too.

Brandon&Ayane Great!

Words & Phrases

charity 慈善団体
food drive フードドライブ《支援を必要とする人たちに食料を提供する慈善運動》
canned(<can) 缶詰めにされた
goods 《通例複数形で》品物
need 必要性、貧困《遠回しの表現》
(be)exchanging(<exchange) ~を交換する、 ~を交換している
help out 手を貸す

Today’s Story


You know, I read an article about a local charity’s food drive when I was writing my report for class.
What’s a food drive?
People donate food, such as canned goods. The food the charity collects is given to people in need.
How nice!
We’re exchanging our Secret Santa presents tomorrow, right?
Yeah. We’ll meet at Emma’s family’s cafe.
Why don’t we bring a box of food to the charity after that?
Sure! My parents would probably like to help out, too.

Today’s CAN-DO

The food the charity collects is given to people in need.

Another Example

The muffins Mr. Becker bakes are delicious.
The article Emma and Brandon wrote was interesting.

CAN-DO Practice

The classroom we cleaned looks better.
The desks we wiped are shiny.

Let’s Chat!

What colors do you want to wear for the winter concert?
The colors we like best are red and green.
tora taro