中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 135 Review

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 135 Review

This Week’s Stories




Emma: Can we interview you for a school newspaper article, Min-jun?

Min-jun: Sure!

Brandon: Thanks. Do you have any ideas about improving our school?

Min-jun: Hmm. I think our school should offer more community service activities.

Emma: Like what?

Min-jun: Students can help to clean local parks. For example, Pelham Bay Park is the biggest park in New York City. An NPO has taken care of the park for almost 30 years. They hold clean-up events for volunteers.

Brandon: Nice idea!


An NPO has.



Brandon: How long have you taught at this school, Mr. Patel?

Mr. Patel: About eight years. I started teaching here in 2013.

Emma: How do you like our school?

Mr. Patel: It’s wonderful! I have many hardworking students. Their passion for learning inspires me.

Emma: Great. Could you give us some ideas for improving our school?

Mr. Patel: Let’s see. I think the cafeteria should offer more vegetarian options.

Brandon: Why is that?

Mr. Patel: Well, we have students from many cultures and religions. Everyone should have a variety of food choices.


Yes, he has.



Emma: Are you OK, Ayane? Why do you look upset?

Ayane: Well… I have forgotten my social studies report at home.

Emma: What happened?

Ayane: I had too much homework to do last night. I couldn’t finish my report on the SDGs.

Emma: Ah, it’s a complicated topic.

Ayane: I got up early this morning to complete my report. Then, I left it on my desk!

Brandon: Hmm. It’s a big problem for students to have too much homework.

Ayane: Yes, definitely!


She has forgotten her social studies report. / She has forgotten her homework.



Emma: Are you OK, Ayane? Why do you look upset?

Ayane: Well… I have forgotten my social studies report at home.

Emma: What happened?

Ayane: I had too much homework to do last night. I couldn’t finish my report on the SDGs.

Emma: Ah, it’s a complicated topic.

Ayane: I got up early this morning to complete my report. Then, I left it on my desk!

Brandon: Hmm. It’s a big problem for students to have too much homework.

Ayane: Yes, definitely!


They are talking about the pie chart.

Friday Special






Ideas for Improving Our School

We asked 100 students and 20 teachers about how improve our school.

The largest number of people want less homework and more free time.

Some students said that they have too much homework.

They can’t meet the deadline.

This can lead to health problems from stress and lack of sleep.


Words & Phrases

the largest number of …  最も多くの
less  (量が)より少ない
meet the deadline  締め切りに間に合う
lead to …  ~につながる、~に至らせる
health  健康
stress  緊張感
lack  不足



Ideas for Improving Our School
We asked 100 students and 20 teachers about how improve our school.
The largest number of people want less homework and more free time.
Some students said that they have too much homework.
They can’t meet the deadline.
This can lead to health problems from stress and lack of sleep.
tora taro