中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 065 Review

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 065 Review

This Week’s Stories




Ayane: I can’t wait for the Fourth of July!

Emma: Me, neither! Watching fireworks is my favorite thing to do in summer.

Ayane: My apartment has a good view of the East River and the Brooklyn Bridge.

Emma: Wow! That’s perfect for watching the New York City fireworks.

Ayane: Do you want to watch them with me? Aunt Rio said I can invite some friends!

Emma: Sounds great!

Watching fireworks is.



Ayane: I’ll get it! Emma!

Emma: Hi, Ayane. Here. My mom made this cake for us.

Ayane: Whoa! Look at this, Aunt Rio. It looks like the American flag!

Emma: She used blueberries for the blue part and strawberries for the red stripes.

Rio: Fantastic! This is the perfect cake to eat on the Fourth of July.

Ayane: Oh! That must be Min-jun! I invited him, too. Coming!

It looks like the American flag.



Ayane: Min-jun, this spicy fried chicken is delicious! You’re such a good cook!

Min-jun: Thanks. My dad and I made it together. The homemade chili sauce is a special South Korean recipe.

Rio: I would like to know how to make it. Can you give me the recipe sometime?

Min-jun: Of course. My dad will be happy to write it down for you.

Rio: Thank you, Min-jun!

Min-jun: No problem, Ms. Kisaragi.

They made spicy fried chicken.



Everyone: Wow!

Ayane: The fireworks are so beautiful!

Min-jun: This view is amazing.

Emma: I’m trying to take a good picture of the fireworks, but my timing is off. I don’t know when to take the picture.

Min-jun: You have to press the button a little bit earlier. Also, you should change these camera settings. Watch this. See?

Emma: That looks like a professional photograph, Min-jun!

Min-jun: Well, photography is my hobby.

Min-jun did.

Friday Special


1.花火 2.たくさんの飾り付け 3.人々が着ている服

Hi guys,
I’m sending you some pictures of the Fourth of July fireworks!

July Fourth is Independence Day in the United States.

Americans celebrate their country’s independence from Great Britain in 1776.

You can see many decorations in red, white, and blue: the colors of the American flag!

See you later!


Words & Phrases

guys  みんな、君たち
independence  独立
celebrate  ~を祝う
Great Britain  グレートブリテン王国(現在のイギリスの一部)
decorations 飾り付け

Ayane’s Mail


Hi guys,
I’m sending you some pictures of the Fourth of July fireworks!
July Fourth is Independence Day in the United States.
Americans celebrate their country’s independence from Great Britain in 1776.
You can see many decorations in red, white, and blue: the colors of the American flag!
See you later!
tora taro