中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 7 Day 5

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 7 Day 5

Weekly topic

Do you prefer mountains or beaches?


Lawana: Hi, Max. I’m looking at places to go on vacation. What do you think? Do you prefer mountains or beaches?

Max: That’s an easy question for me. Beaches!

Lawana: Okay. Why is that?

Max: If you go to the beach, you can swim im the ocean. I’m sick of mountains. At home in Australia, I see mountains every day. How about you?

Lawana: It’s the opposite for me. I live near the sea in Thailand. I go to the beach almost every weekend. I really want to go to a mountain and learn how to ski.

Max: Yeah. I guess people like to go to new places and do new things on vacation.

Lawana: Exactly. Variety is the spice of life!

Fuku’s opinion

I prefer mountains.
Because I like rivers in the mountain.
If you go to the river, you can enjoy fishing and enjoy barbecues on the riverside.
And you can enjoy the sound of rivers and mountains.
So, I prefer mountains.
I want to go to mountains on vacation.

It’s your turn!



chat  おしゃべりする
out loud  声に出して
ask Max if …  マックスに~かどうか尋ねる
barbecue on the riverside  河原でのバーベキュー
Anything else?  他に何かありますか?
Now that …  今や~なので
That’s very true.  全くその通り
spot  場所
I’m like you.  私はあなたと似ています。
It didn’t matter.  それはたいしたことではなかった
to see Fuku’s improvement  福の上達を見て
as we go  私たちがやっている間に
the more wa talk, the more comfortable you are getting speaking in English  私たちがたくさん話せば話すほど、あなたは英語を話すことに慣れてきます。
It makes me feel like …  それで私はまるで~のように感じます。
time-travel  タイムトラベルをする

Connie Francis – Vacation

tora taro