中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 036 青空への誓い

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 036 青空への誓い


Story Time


Min-jun: Then, Diego’s family moved to New York. He said goodbye to his teammates, and he promised them. “I’ll become a famous baseball player someday.” At that moment, he looked up at the beautiful blue sky. Now, he always carries a sky-blue item for good luck.

Ayane: You know a lot about him, Min-jun! Um. Shall we start the interview soon?

Min-jun: Oh. Yes, let’s. Sorry.

Words & Phrases

promised (<promise) ~に約束した
moment とき、 瞬間
looked up (<look) 見上げた
carries (<carry) ~を持ち歩く、~を運ぶ
item もの、品目
good luck 幸運

Today’s Story


Then, Diego’s family moved to New York.
He said goodbye to his teammates, and he promised them.
“I’ll become a famous baseball player someday.”
At that moment, he looked up at the beautiful blue sky.
Now, he always carries a sky-blue item for good luck.
You know a lot about him, Min-jun! Um. Shall we start the interview soon?
Oh. Yes, let’s. Sorry.

Today’s CAN-DO

Shall we start the interview soon? – Yes, let’s.

Another Example

Shall we work on the project after school?
Yes. That’s a good idea.

CAN-DO Practice


Shall we do a warm-up?
Shall we practice passing the ball?

Let’s Chat!

It’s a beautiful day.
Yes. Shall we have lunch outside? / Yes. Shall we eat lunch outside?
Good idea!
tora taro