Categories: duo

DUO 3.0 SECTION 28 329-341

DUO 3.0 SECTION 28 329-341

Many people regard the current compulsory education system as being obsolete.
Many people encouraged me to fulfill my ambitions.
To make his dreams come true, he dropped out of school and made his way to Tokyo.
“What do you do?” “I’m a college student, a freshman at Harvard.” “What’s your major?” “Philosophy.”
Tuition will be raised by nearly ten percent as of April 1, 2001.
“I’m of two minds whether to apply for the scholarship or not.” “Give it a try!”
As soon as he graduated from Keio University, he took over his family’s business.
You aren’t cut out for the military because of its rigid discipline.
I am determined to make a living as a playwright at all costs.
As he grew up, he learned to put things in perspective.
Conformity is an essential element of our homogeneous community.
I’d rather go my own way than toil away for a company. Trying to fit into a mold gets me nowhere!
Tom takes after his uncle in personality. I mean, he is obstinate by nature. He never gives in.

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