基礎英語3 November 第3週の復習 英訳練習



Boss, that’s him! We found the robot!
Let’s follow him.
He’s walking into a park. Oh, he’s talking to a boy.
What do you think about our plan?
I like it, but how are we going to bring my parents here?
Wait a minute. It’s my father’s birthday next week!
Great! Let’s invite them to celebrate his birthday at the park. You can show them your rakugo.
I don’t think they will change their minds about my future, though.
Never give up on your dream. The least you can do is be honest about your feelings.
I see…. this is going to be interesting….


That’s a good idea, RoboCorpus. I hope it’ll work.
We can help RoboCorpus prepare an invitation for Kozo’s parents.
Everyone, we have a situation. I found so many people with N marks on their shoulders!
The Negatives are here!
I have to take care of all those people, so I’ll let all of you take care of Kozo, OK?
OK, understood.
Lex, why don’t we work on the invitation?
OK, I will come up with excellent words for them.
I’ll go to see Kozo again in the park.
Boss, the robot is walking to the park, alone.
Perfect! Things are going as we planned. Let’s get him!


Where is Kozo? He’s usually here around this time.
We meet at last, RoboCorpus. That boy is not coming.
Who are you?
You will be frightened if you hear our names.
We are the Negatives.
I see. You said Kozo is not coming. Why?
Because my boss put very powerful Negative marks on him.
He is so worried about this future that he cannot come here.
Why did you do that to him? Why do you discourage people like that?
Because that’s what the Lord of Negative Forces wants!
I have never felt anger. But you just made me angry for the first time in my life….


Look, Jukichi! RoboCorpus’ body is turning red!
RoboCorpus is in fighting mode. And those are the Negatives.
Boss, what are those marks on his arms!?
I don’t know. They look like characters of different languages.
I will fight against your evil forces with these letters!
Look, boss! Those characters are coming toward us!
Ouch! Oh, no! So many positive words!
Oh, boss. I feel very happy….
We had better leave. Otherwise we will become too positive and be destroyed!
Great job, RoboCorpus!
You’re now back to your normal mode.
What happened to me? I felt like I was a different person.
You’re not a person. You’re still a machine!


Sailing 訳詞付 – Rod” Stewart

tora taro