基礎英語3 February 第2週の復習 英訳練習



It’s sunny, but so cold.
I’m worried about Jukichi.
Yes. He’s been sleeping all the time lately.
Well, it’s about time for me to share this. Do you remember Ms. Saito?
Yes! She’s Boon’s English teacher, right?
Do you remember she has a room filled with old books and dictionaries?
Yes. Jukichi said he wanted to sleep in that kind of place.
In fact, Ms. Saito’s family has a lot to do with Jukichi’s life.
Really? How?
I never told you, but I met Jukichi a long time ago.
Excuse me…. what did you say?


Hello, Ms. Saito. Nice to see you again.
I’m so glad you’re back! How have you been?
I’ve been well, thanks. I’m on my way back home, and I need your help.
Oh, what is it?
Do you remember the turtle you found with Boon? You liked him very much.
Yes, I remember. We kept turtles at home for more than a century.
Do you remember the names of those turtles?
No, I don’t. It was a long time ago. Anyway, come on in. I’ll call Boon. He will be so excited to see you.


I’m so glad to see you, RoboCorpus. I am preparing for my high school entrance exams now.
He wants to be an English teacher. I’m so proud of him.
That’s great! By the way, Ms. Saito, I want you to keep this turtle.
Oh, hi, turtle!
OK, but you said he is your friend. Doesn’t he belong to you?
RoboCorpus, I’ll tell you what to say. Follow my instructions.
OK. Actually no, Ms. Saito. He belonged to your grandfather.
He’s my grandfather’s turtle?
Yes, his name is Jukichi. He used to live here.
Oh, my goodness! Wait a minute!
What’s the matter?
Jukichi is my grandfather’s name. He had a turtle, but lost it during the war.


So, Jukichi was your master’s name.
I heard it many times, so I thought it was my name….
Jukichi, you were actually here when I was trapped in the book by the Negatives a long, long time ago.
Ms. Saito’s grandfather was a famous dictionary writer. I sometimes came here to get the power of words.
Jukichi saw all the hard work of dictionary writing here.
That’s why you are full of words of wisdom.
I can’t believe this. I want to thank you all for bringing me back home. I think I’ll stay here.
Yes, you should. Time to say goodbye….
We will miss you very much, Jukichi.

君の瞳に恋してる/Boys town gang


1982年のヒット曲です。曲の原題は CAN’T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU。ディスコでの定番曲として有名ですが、CMなどでもよく流れているので聴いたことある人は多いと思います。歌手は Boys town gang です。

tora taro