ラジオ英会話 February 第2週の復習 英訳練習



Thank you so much for telling me about that new French chocolate shop.
Did you get something there?
I got some dark chocolate for my husband for Valentine’s Day.
That’s good. Is he going to buy you some?
No, in Japan, only women give chocolates on Valentine’s Day.
Oh, I see.
But if they remember, men give something back to women on “White Day” one month later.
Does your husband always remember?
He usually does.


OK, Mrs. Kudo, I think that’s it!
I really appreciate your clearing the snow from the path.
No problem. I needed the exercise. It was fun.
I was worried because the snow turns into ice at night, and people slip on it.
Yes, I’ve slipped on ice many times.
It’s cold out here. Please come inside. I’ve made some oshiruko for you.
What’s that?
It’s sweet red bean soup with rice cakes.
Sounds awesome!


Uncle Daniel, I’m getting nervous about playing in the piano recital tomorrow.
Just relax. You’ll do fine. You’ve practiced hard for months. There’s no need to worry.
I know. But what if I make a mistake?
Here. Have this candy. You’ll become completely relaxed.
Just by eating candy?
Absolutely. Because it’s my special magic candy!
Oh, Uncle, you’re awesome! Thank you.
Don’t mention it, my little princess. I’ll always be there for you.


That was a great dinner. It’s good to eat out sometimes.
Yes, it is — once in a while. It’s always good to come home, too. What? It’s hot in here.
You forgot to turn off the heater … again!
Oh, no! Sorry. It’s my fault. It won’t happen again.
That’s what you said last time.
I had a feeling I had forgotten something.
Well, I don’t want to see our electric bill. It’s going to be astronomical!
Get out of here.


I appreciate your helping me prepare for the presentation.
It was a great success, and the client was very impressed with my English.
Thank you for always being there for me.


Everything went really well, thank you. I was even complimented on my English fluency.
I truly appreciate all the help you gave me.
I couldn’t have made such a successful presentation without you.
tora taro