ラジオ英会話 Lesson 175 今週のREVIEW

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Lesson Lesson 171 wh 疑問文③ 主語を尋ねる


Angela: Hi, Hiro. What are you watching?

Hiro: Little Charo.

Angela: Charo? Isn’t that for kids?

Hiro: Not at all. It’s a serious story with important themes about life.

Angela: Oh, I didn’t know that. By the way, I heard that you sleep with a teddy bear.

Hiro: Who told you that?

Angela: Hillary.

Hiro: Oh, Hillary. I knew it. She can never keep a secret.

Angela: So, it’s true. Aren’t you a little too old to be sleeping with a teddy bear?

Hiro: I’ve been having some trouble sleeping recently, and the bear helps me fall asleep.

Angela: Oh, I see.

Pick-Up Phrases


Lesson 172 wh 疑問文④ 「大きな」wh 語


Theo: Those are nice headphones.

Mirai: Thanks. I bought them last week. The sound is great. I love the deep bass.

Theo: What kind of music do you like?

Mirai: All kinds, but recently I’ve been listening to jazz.

Theo: Really? You know, we’re having a jazz festival in our town next month. They have it every year. Jazz musicians from al over the world come to perform.

Mirai: Oh, where do they perform?

Theo: They are playing in various places throughout the town. Here’s a flyer for it.

Mirai: Well, it looks like fun. I’ll definitely go.


Pick-Up Phrases

Lesson 173 wh 疑問文⑤ 複雑な wh 疑問文(1)


Tess: Tony, did you hear the news this morning?

Tony: No, Tess. What news?

Tess: The statue in front of the station fell down.

Tony: What? I love that statue. What do you think was the cause?

Tess: Nobody knows yet. But it was very old.

Tony: Was anybody hurt?

Tess: Luckily, no one was injured. They said it happened in the middle of the night.

Tony: You know, I was taking photographs of that statue just last week. I’m glad I got some photos of it before it fell down.


Pick-Up Phrases

Lesson 174 wh 疑問文⑥ 複雑な wh 疑問文(2)


Ian: Hi, Meg. Do you have a minute?

Meg: Sure, Ian. What’s up?

Ian: Are you free next Monday? Some of my friends and I are having a traditional Christmas dinner at my place, in the English style, of course.

Meg: Sounds great. What kind of food do English people have at Christmas?

Ian: Well, for example, we have turkey, roast potatoes, mince pies…

Meg: What are mince pies?

Ian: They are sweet pies filled with dried fruits and spices.

Meg: Hmm, interesting. What time do you want me to come?

Ian: We’ll start serving drinks and snacks from 6 p.m.

Meg: OK, I’ll be there then! Thank you.


Pick-Up Phrases






job : 仕事
money to live on :


最初に「あいづち疑問文」。相手は I quit my job. などと言ったと考えましょう。相手の発言を疑問文にして受けるだけ。後半は、what を主語に置いた疑問文。もしWhy did you quit?(なぜ辞めたのですか?)と言うと、否定的な解釈(なんで辞めたんだよ、まったく)が生まれる余地があります。この形はそれを避けることができるのです。

to 不定詞オンパレード。you need to …では to 不定詞は need の目的語(~することが必要)。to のイメージ「これから」が感じられます。
to have enough money は find another job の「目的」を説明しています。 to live on は enough money の説明。「それで生きていくための」。ちなみに another は「別の・もうひとつの」。「ほかの」を示す other に an がついて「決まらないほかのひとつ」。まだ就いていない仕事は特定のモノに決まる訳ではないので another がピッタリ。

What kind of は「どんな仕事」。このフレーズが大きな wh 語となっています。


Really? は。こういった深刻な事態でも、軽い受けでも使うことの出来る便利な表現です。 on earth は「一体全体」。文全体の強調。さてその次の What can you tell …? は難易度の高い文。 can you tell me …以下の節の主語が空所。そこを尋ねて「何が動機だったのか教えて」となっています。

wh 語+ever は whatever(何でも)、wherever(どこでも)など、相手に最大級の選択肢を示す表現です。これが譲歩に使われ「たとえそれが何であったとしても」となっています。しっかりと覚えておきましょう。文の主語は the fact(事実)。それを that 以下が説明しています。

what kind of job が主語となり「どんな仕事があなたの興味を引くかもしれないのか」ということ。このくらいまで文を作ることが出来れば、ネイティブスピーカー並の実力です。

