ラジオ英会話 May 第2週の復習 英訳練習


自分の周りでは、英語学習している仲間がいませんし、現在は英会話スクールにも行っていないので、会話練習がほとんど出来ていません。唯一ラジオから流れる英語を聞き取り、こういうサイトで英訳練習する、これだけの毎日ですが、突然英語で道を尋ねられても平気で答えられるようにはなっている自分に気づきました。I can do it! メンタリストのDaigo によれば、毎日やることも大事ですが英語は集中して短時間でやる方が効果が上がるとか・・・。土日しか休みがない人もやり方次第で効果はあるようです。



David, thanks for taking me to this cute little Mexican restaurant.
It’s my pleasure, Nana. It’s actually my first time here. How’s your burrito?
It’s delicious. The chicken inside is so tender and tasty.
Mine is OK, but it needs something…
Wow, you speak Spanish? And look. The server brought some hot sauce for you.
Yes, this is the kind that Mexicans use. It’s very hot.
Wow, you’re putting on a lot.
Yeah, I like my food super spicy!


Leila, thanks for that great breakfast. You’re good cook.
Mom is a much better cook. Why isn’t she here?
She wanted to go shopping early with her friend. They’re having a big sale at the mall today.
Mom never tells me anything.
Well, I have to go to work now. Do you have any plans for today?
Not really. Maybe I’ll go to the mall too.
OK. Have a nice day. And remember to lock the door.
I will, Dad.


Hi. Your booth looks interesting. I like the colorful sings and interactive displays.
Thank you, sir. We are a virtual reality company based in Portland.
Your nametag says you are the Marketing Director.
Yes, that’s right. Here’s our company brochure.
Oh, it’s a nice brochure. What? Leo Chang is your company president?
Yes. Do you know him?
Leo is an old friend of mine. We were in the same college dormitory… a long time ago.
What a coincidence!


Madam mayor, the farmers of this town are going through very tough times now.
I see. Please go on.
More and more wild boars are coming down from the mountains. We need to build a strong fence to protect our town.
Yes, I understand, but our budget is very tight this year.
With all due respect, this is an issue of great importance. Those animals are causing an enormous amount of damage.
OK. Let’s work together to find the best solution.
tora taro