ラジオ英会話 Lesson 231 相手の発言に興味を示す②

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 231 相手の発言に興味を示す②



Today’s dialog


Riko: Good morning, Will. How was your weekend?

Will: It was fine, thanks.

Riko: Did you do anything special?

Will: Well, I was finally able to enjoy doing some writing on the terrace of my favorite cafe.

Riko: Oh, that sounds really exciting!

Will: It’s actually quite relaxing. The hardest part is finding a seat because it’s always crowded on weekends.

Riko: That’s true. By the way, what do you usually write about?

Will: I just write whatever comes to my mind.


do writing   書き物をする



Good morning, Will. How was your weekend?
It was fine, thanks.
Did you do anything special?
Well, I was finally able to enjoy doing some writing on the terrace of my favorite cafe.
Oh, that sounds really exciting!
It’s actually quite relaxing. The hardest part is finding a seat because it’s always crowded on weekends.
That’s true. By the way, what do you usually write about?
I just write whatever comes to my mind.

CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR! ~文法のポイントを確認しましょう~

①enjoy + 動詞-ing 形

I was finally able to enjoy doing some writing on the terrace of my favorite cafe.

②wh 疑問文は空所が大切

By the way, what do you usually write about?

③whatever (何でも)

I just write whatever comes to my mind.


Oh, that sounds really exciting!
sound(聞こえる)を使った説明型オーバーラッピングの文。「that=really exciting〔に聞こえる〕」という意味の文。
We’re planning to go to Cambodia to see Angkor Wat this summer.
Really? That sounds fascinating.
The teacher is taking us to the British Museum on Friday.
Oh, that sounds really interesting!


That sounds scary. There’s no way I’d ever try bungee jumping!
There’s no way … は「あり得ない・するわけがない」。
That sounds interesting. I’ll definitely check it out this weekend.
definitely は「必ず・絶対」check … out は「(よさそうなものを)見てみる・検討してみる」。
What an idiot! Nobody tells their boss to shut up!
idiot は「たいへん頭の悪い人」。
tora taro