ラジオ英会話 Lesson 214 決断を促す

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 214 決断を促す


If not now, when? Seize the day!

Today’s dialog


Shiho: You know my friend Doug, right?

Hajime: The guy who leaked your secret?

Shiho: Yes, but he apologized and gave me a box of chocolates.

Hajime: Well, that’s nice of him.

Shiho: Actually, Doug’s a really sweet guy. I didn’t realize how much I liked him.

Hajime: That’s great. Just tell him, then!

Shiho: Well, I’m going abroad soon. Maybe it’s not the right time.

Hajime: Come on, Shiho. I mean, if not now, when? Seize the day!

Shiho: Mmm… I’ll think about it.



You know my friend Doug, right?
The guy who leaked your secret?
Yes, but he apologized and gave me a box of chocolates.
Well, that’s nice of him.
Actually, Doug’s a really sweet guy. I didn’t realize how much I liked him.
That’s great. Just tell him, then!
Well, I’m going abroad soon. Maybe it’s not the right time.
Come on, Shiho. I mean, if not now, when? Seize the day!
Mmm… I’ll think about it.



The guy who leaked your secret?

②then のイメージ

Just tell him, then!

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

If not now, when? Seize the day!
There’s no time like the present. So, let’s get cracking!
You’ll never get a better opportunity to ask her out. It’s now or never. Go for it!

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~


If not now, when? You’ve got to strike while the iron is hot.
There’s no time like the present. Let’s do it.
It’s now or never. So, grasp this golden opportunity.


Seize the day.  その日を掴め=今を生きろ
If not now, when?  今やらなくていつやるのか?
There’s no time like the present.  現在のような時はない=今に勝る時はない
get cracking  着手する
You’ll never get a better opportunity.  これ以上のいい機会は決して得ることはない=今しかない
It’s now or never.  今やるか一生やらないか
You’ve got to strike while the iron is hot.  鉄は熱いうちに打たなければなりません
have got to  ~しなければならない
golden opportunity  絶好の機会・またとないチャンス

tora taro