ラジオ英会話 Lesson 203 批判③:場違いな行動への批判

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 203 批判③:場違いな行動への批判


Don’t be so rude. Apologize to him right now.

Today’s dialog


Mom: Yosuke, look. Your Uncle Taro has brought you a late New Year’s money gift.

Yosuke: Huh? Only 1,000 yen?

Mom: Yosuke! Don’t be so rude. Apologize to him right now.

Yosuke: I’m sorry, Uncle Taro. Thank you for the present.

Mom: That’s better. There is an old saying: “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

Yosuke: What does that mean, Mom?

Mom: It means, when someone gives you a present, don’t complain about it or be ungrateful.

Yosuke: OK. I got it.



Yosuke, look. Your Uncle Taro has brought you a late New Year’s money gift.
Huh? Only 1,000 yen?
Yosuke! Don’t be so rude. Apologize to him right now.
I’m sorry, Uncle Taro. Thank you for the present.
That’s better. There is an old saying: “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”
What does that mean, Mom?
It means, when someone gives you a present, don’t complain about it or be ungrateful.
OK. I got it.



Your Uncle Taro has brought you a late New Year’s money gift.

動詞句を or でつなぐ

Don’t complain about it or be ungrateful.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

Don’t be so rude. Apologize to him right now.
We must make a good impression, so watch your manners.
This is neither the time nor the place to discuss business. Let’s relax and enjoy dinner together.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~


Don’t be so disrespectful. He’s your teacher.
Watch your manners. You should never talk with your mouth full.
This is neither the time nor the place to propose to her!


New Year’s money gift  (日本の)お年玉
look a gift horse in the mouth  もらい物にけちをつける、もらい物のあら探しをする
ungrateful  感謝の念を持たない、感謝知らずの
Don’t be so rude.  失礼なことを言わない
Watch your manners.  マナーに注意しなさい
neither A nor B  AでもBでもない
disrespectful  無礼な
you should never ~  決して~すべきではありません

tora taro