ラジオ英会話 Lesson 079 「入手」のレベル2動詞:catch、collect、grab

Lesson 079 「入手」のレベル2動詞:catch、collect、grab


今回は「手に入れる」系の「レベル2動詞」。catch、collect、grab のそれぞれのニュアンスを手に入れましょう。

Today’s dialog


Masaya: I’m bored with this riverside clean-up activity. Let’s play tag.

Deena: Masaya, we have to collect all the garbage by 4 o’clock. We only have one hour left.

Masaya: Come on! You’ll never catch me.

Deena: Come back here and finish your work!

Masaya: Come on, Deena! Just play for a few minutes.

Deena: Stop fooling around. Our teacher will get angry at us.

Masaya: Was he looking this way?

Deena: No, you were lucky this time.


play tag: 鬼ごっこをする
come on: (相手を促して)さあ来て、早く
fool around: ばかなまねをする、ふざける



I’m bored with this riverside clean-up activity. Let’s play tag.
Masaya, we have to collect all the garbage by 4 o’clock. We only have one hour left.
Come on! You’ll never catch me.
Come back here and finish your work!
Come on, Deena! Just play for a few minutes.
Stop fooling around. Our teacher will get angry at us.
Was he looking this way?
No, you were lucky this time.

CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR! ~文法のポイントを確認しましょう~

I’m bored with this riverside clean-up activity.
be bored with(~に飽き飽きする)

②期限の by

We have to collect all the garbage by 4 o’clock.

③範囲限定の for

Just play for a few minutes.


You’ll never catch me.
「手に入れる」―入手を表す動詞にはさまざまあります。catch はその1つ。この動詞は、「動いているモノを(捕まえる)」に焦点があります。
The police caught the thief.
Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.
We have to collect all the garbage by 4 o’clock.
How about grabbing a bite to eat?
She’ll make a wonderful teacher.
You should grab any chance to speak English.


I could catch only about 50% of what the American students said.
Surprisingly, lots of people are still passionate about collecting stamps.
Roza and I are going to grab a drink. Care to join us?
grab a drink で「一杯引っかける」。飲み物にさっと手を出してキュッと飲む感じ。care to は疑問文などで使われ「~したいと思う」。フルセンテンスで言うなら、Would you care to join us? となります。
tora taro