ラジオ英会話 Lesson 051 例示のフロー④ そのほかの語句:illustrate、like

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 051 例示のフロー④ そのほかの語句:illustrate、like


「例示のフロー」の最後は例示の周辺にある表現、illustrate、like です。

Today’s dialog


Peacock: Hello, Jessica. Thanks for coming to my lecture. How was it?

Jessica: It was wonderful. I learned so much.

Peacock: That’s very kind of you to say so.

Jessica: Well, it’s true. To illustrate your points, you often used examples from your personal experience. I loved that.

Peacock: I think that makes the lecture much more interesting. Otherwise, the audience would fall asleep!

Jessica: Ha-ha! Today, everyone was completely absorbed in your lecture.

Peacock: That’s good to hear. Now, how about some tea?



Hello, Jessica. Thanks for coming to my lecture. How was it?
It was wonderful. I learned so much.
That’s very kind of you to say so.
Well, it’s true. To illustrate your points, you often used examples from your personal experience. I loved that.
I think that makes the lecture much more interesting. Otherwise, the audience would fall asleep!
Ha-ha! Today, everyone was completely absorbed in your lecture.
That’s good to hear. Now, how about some tea?


リポート文・make を用いた目的語説明型

I think that makes the lecture much more interesting.


Otherwise, the audience would fall asleep!

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

To illustrate your points, you often used examples from your personal experience.
Let me illustrate this point with some real-life examples.
No, you can’t go. There’s lots to do yet, like cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming the living room, and taking out the garbage.
You should marry someone who would really take care of you, like me.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~

illustrate や like を使って英文を作りましょう。

My professor loves to illustrate his points with lots of examples.
I want to find someone like your wife.
There are many ways to improve your English. Like watching movies, listening to music and reading books.


lecture  講義
absorbed  夢中になっている、心を奪われている
illustrate  わかりやすく説明する
improve  上達、改善する

tora taro