ラジオ英会話 今週のCREATE THE FLOW!

ラジオ英会話 今週のCREATE THE FLOW!

今週学習したラジオ英会話の「CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~」で出された英文を作る問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。

Monday Lesson 046 除外のフロー② 話の本筋からの除外:apart from

apart from、aside from、putting aside のどれかを使って英文を作りましょう。

Aside from the economy, what other topics will be discussed?
I know everyone here apart from that guy over there.
Putting aside your personal feelings, who do you think should get promoted?

Tuesday Lesson 047 例示のフロー① for example

for example、e.g. take ~ for example のどちらかを使って英文を作りましょう。

My sister can play several musical instruments, for example, the guitar and the piano.
We sell wines from many countries, e.g., Australia, Chile and South Africa.
Portuguese is spoken in several countries in Africa. Take Angora, for example.

Wednesday Lesson 048 例示のフロー② 多彩な表現:形容詞 + example

example、instance、case のどれかを使って英文を作りましょう。

This church is the most striking example of his architectural style.
Many celebrities were born poor. Charlie Chaplin, for instance.
Many billionaires started with nothing. Gill Bates is a case in point.

Thursday Lesson 049 例示のフロー③ ピックアップする:such as

such as、particularly、to name but a few のどれかを使って英文を作りましょう。

Vegetables such as spinach and carrots are rich in nutrition.
I will research language-learning trends, particularly in Southeast Asia.
Kyoto has many beautiful temples – Kinkakuji, Nanzenji and Ryoanji, to name but a few.
tora taro