ラジオ英会話 Lesson 006 but① 逆行のフロー

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 006 but① 逆行のフロー


今回は but。and の「順行」とは対照的な「逆行」のフロー。

Today’s dialog


Ren: Mom, your beef bowl is the best! It’s so much better than the one they serve in my college cafeteria.

Mom: I’m glad you like it. We ran out of red pickled ginger, though.

Ren: No ginger, huh? That reminds me of my new English teacher, Onishi-sensei.

Mom: Really? Why?

Ren: Well, I like my new teacher but hate his jokes.

Mom: Why does having no ginger remind you of his jokes?

Ren: He always says “No ginger“ when he means shouganai!



Mom, your beef bowl is the best! It’s so much better than the one they serve in my college cafeteria.
I’m glad you like it. We ran out of red pickled ginger, though.
No ginger, huh? That reminds me of my new English teacher, Onishi-sensei.
Really? Why?
Well, I like my new teacher but hate his jokes.
Why does having no ginger remind you of his jokes?
He always says “No ginger“ when he means shouganai!



It’s so much better than the one they serve in my college cafeteria.


I’m glad you like it.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

I like my new teacher but hate his jokes.
She never studies but always passes the tests easily.
He may have excellent qualifications, but he’s not a good teacher.
I’d like to start by proposing an intensive sales campaign.
Yes, but we’ve tried that before with limited success.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~

but を使って逆行のフローを作り出しましょう。

I like skiing, but I prefer snowboarding.
He may be rich, but he’s incredibly stingy.
Yeah, but I need more time to think about this.


beef bowl  牛丼
run out of …  ~を使い果たす、切らす
pickled  酢漬けにした
ginger  ショウガ
remind ~ of …  ~に・・・を思い出させる
qualification  資格・能力
limited  限られた、有限の、わずかな、狭い
prefer  より好む
incredibly  信じられない
stingy  ケチ

tora taro