ラジオ英会話 June 第2週の復習 英訳練習


忙しい毎日を送っていると、自分にとって最優先事項はなんだろう、とふと考えてしまうことがあります。学生でいる間も社会人になってからでも、いわゆる仕事や学校に使う時間以外の off の間の時間の配分で悩むことはありませんか? 自分でいえば、もっと英会話を学習する時間を作りたい、と考えたときに思ったほど時間が取れないのに気づいて、時間配分を再考慮してみると、実は英会話の学習って自分には最優先事項ではなかったんですね。「だから英会話の上達が遅いんだ」と変な納得しましたが、仕事でも日常生活でも英会話の必要性が今のところそんなにないから時間はそんなに取れない。だからラジオ英会話を3年聴いていても話せる力はまだまだなんです。でも、趣味でいいからゆっくりと英会話に接する時間を最低限でも確保し続けたいと思っていますが・・・。(誰に対して言い訳しているのかな・・・)



Hi. This is my first time to have a palm reading.
Just relax, sir. Please put your palms face up.
What do you see?
You have a daughter.
Yes! How did you know that?
I can see many things. And she is a soccer player.
Amazing! What else can you tell me?
She is going to play in game tomorrow… and her team will win.
That’s incredible! I hope your prediction comes true.


Hey, look at this magazine. I know this guy.
Oh? Who is he?
He was a student of mine. He runs an Italian restaurant.
He looks pretty stylish.
Yes. I remember he was a very popular student when I taught him English at junior high school.
Where did you teach?
On an island called Sado. That was a long time ago.
Maybe you should visit his restaurant.
Yes, I definitely will!


Hi, Mirai! You got a dog!
Hi, Theo. Yes, he is my first pet.
He’s a cute little Shiba dog. What’s his name?
Paul? You named your dog Paul?
Is that strange?
Well, British people usually don’t use such ordinary personal names for their pets.
Well, I love Paul. He has brought lots of happiness into my life.
Paul seems to like my dog, Sparky.
Yeah, they’re like good friends already.


Hell, Dad? Why are you calling me at work?
Jenny, did you check your pockets before you left the house this morning?
No, why?
You left your keys on the table.
Oh, did I?
Mom and I are going to eat out tonight, so I will bring your keys after work. Can we meet at the station at 6 o’clock?
Well, I’m not sure I can leave work that early.


Everything will come right in the end.
When do the cherry trees come into blossom?
Who left the tap running?
Hurry up. We’re running out of time.
What shall I bring to the party? – Just bring yourself.
This elevator can carry up to 10 people. This elevator can carry maximum of 10 people. Or, This elevator can carry no more than 10 people.
I told you to leave the cat alone.
tora taro