基礎英語3 June 第2週の復習 英訳練習


今週のストーリーで疑問に思ったことはありませんか? 自分は関西人ですからツッコミ処があるとストリー的にはどうでもいいことで、しかも英語学習にもどうでもいいことなんですがツッコミたくて気になってしまって・・・。(笑)でもNHKにお便りを出すまでのことでもないのでついでですからここに書いておきます。まずレックスは電子辞書でジュウキチはカメという設定でこのストーリーは進んでいますが、ロボコーパスとアサヒが修理工場に行くときにレックスとジュウキチは「Let’s follow them!」と先週の最後に言っていますが、移動方法はどうしているんでしょう? 気になりませんか(笑)レックスは電子辞書ですから歩けませんしジュウキチの背中に乗って移動しても、カメですからアサヒやロボコーパスの速度にはついていけない・・・。細かいことが気になってしまいます(ここは杉下右京風に・・・)どうでもいいことでスミマセン(^^; 



Why don’t we try that automobile repair shop? It looks like nobody is here? Hello?
I’m sorry.
No problem, Robo. You helped me and I learned an important lesson. Hello? Oh, someone inside.
May I help you?
Yes. Can you fix this robot?
My father used to fix machines, but he doesn’t work anymore.
Can I please talk to him?
I don’t think so. He doesn’t talk to strangers.
Oh, please! I have to save this Robo!
What’s going on?


What is this place?
This was a garage many people used to visit.
Look. A man is looking at RoboCorpus.
He’s the repairman. He looks very old, but I think he’s around 40, if remember correctly.
Well… this looks like a really high-tech robot.
Can you fix him?
I’m not sure.
Hello. My name is RoboCorpus. I’m a translation robot.
Oh, you can speak.
Yes, I can. Can you take a look ate the panel here? I think I need some oil.
I see. OK, I’ll get some.
You’re going to be fine, RoboCorpus!


OK, this will do.
How ate you feeling, Robo?
I feel much better now.
I changed his oil. Also, I removed his rust and polished his entire body.
Wow, you look brand-new,
Thank you very much, sir.
No problem.
OK, Robo. I have to go home now. It’s getting late.
Leave me here. I want to talk to Mr. Repairman.
OK then. Take care, Robo!
Dad, you are such a skilled repairman. Why don’t you working again?
Mind your own business. Go to bed now!
Oh… there’s something odd about this family ….


Yukichi! Time for dinner!
I’m coming….
Hey, what’s up, Yukichi?
What do you mean “nothing” ? I know you are sad because Asuka hasn’t come over in a while.
Please stop.
But you know she doesn’t come over anymore because our house reminds her of RoboCorpus.
When will be come back, anyway? He doesn’t know all the problems he caused.
Maybe he fell into the river by accident and is completely broken by now.
Stop, Mika. I really hope he comes beck soon….
Everyone! Come here! Hurry!
What happened, Dad?
Look. We can find RoboCorpus now! His GPS is on!

Have You Never Been Mellow/Olivia newton-john (with lyrics)

tora taro