中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 11 Day 5

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 11 Day 5

Weekly topic

Is there something new you want to try?


Robert: It’s the start of the new semester. Is there something new you want to try?

Diane: Actually, I want to try playing the drums. It may be a bit challenging, but I think it could be fun.

Robert: The drums? No kidding!

Diane: I like listening to drums in songs. They can be really powerful and strong. And I think that drumming is good for you. I read it reduces stress and burns calories.

Robert: That sounds cool!

Diane: What about you, Robert? What would you like to try?

Robert: Well, I really like football.

Diane: You mean American football or soccer?

Robert: I mean soccer. I would like to try teaching it. I could do it as a volunteer at an elementary school.

Diane: A teacher? That’s great!

Robert: Actually, I have always been interested in teaching. And you know I’m crazy about soccer. So, it’s the perfect combination!

Fuku’s opinion

I want to try doing action scenes in TV shows and movies.

It may be challenging, but I think it could be fun.

I have always been interested in action scenes.

I’ve tried action scenes before, but I want to try doing harder action scenes.

I would like to be an actor who can do action scenes in the future.

It’s your turn!



some of the expressions are similar to English  表現の中には、英語と似ているものもあります。
weapon  武器
Kung fu  カンフー
hand-to-hand combat  接近戦、至近距離での戦い
fist fighting  握り拳での戦い
sword  剣、刀
hurt oneself  怪我をする

tora taro