中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 171 2度目のおめでとう!

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 171 2度目のおめでとう!

Story Time

Michelle calls Kota and Angie into the living room.
Michelle: Angie, Kota, come in here!

Angie: What is it, Mum?

Michelle: Here, these are for you!

Kota: Red envelopes?

Michelle: Happy New Year!

Angie: Oh, yes! Today is Chinese New Year, Kota! This year it’s at the end of January.

Kota: Oh, Happy New Year!

Angie: Thanks, Mum!

Kota: And what are these envelopes?

Michelle: On Chinese New Year, we give kids red envelopes. They contain some money. It’s a Chinese custom.

Kota: Thank you! We have a similar tradition in Japan.

Angie: Mum is a woman who is very proud of her Chinese background.

Michelle: Of course I am!

Words & Phrases

envelopes  封筒
Chinese New Year  春節、中国の正月
contain  ~が入っている、~を含む
custom  習慣
similar  似ている
background  バックグラウンド、生い立ち、背景

Retelling Prep

Michelle gave red envelopes to Kota and Angie. They contain some money.

Today’s Goal

Mum is a woman who is very proud of her Chinese background.

Working Out

My sister is the girl who is dancing in the room.
My father is the man who is cooking in the kitchen.
My friend is the girl who is singing on stage.

Have a Chat

Which one is your best friend?
Well, my best friend is the girl who is singing on stage.
Oh, I see.


Well, my best friend is the girl who is playing the guitar.
Well, my best friend is the boy who is dancing in the room.

Wrap It Up!

Michelle gave red envelopes to Kota and Angie. They contain some money.

Today’s Story


Michelle calls Kota and Angie into the living room.

Today`s Story

Angie, Kota, come in here!
What is it, Mum?
Here, these are for you!
Red envelopes?
Happy New Year!
Oh, yes! Today is Chinese New Year, Kota! This year it’s at the end of January.
Oh, Happy New Year!
Thanks, Mum!
And what are these envelopes?
On Chinese New Year, we give kids red envelopes. They contain some money. It’s a Chinese custom.
Thank you! We have a similar tradition in Japan.
Mum is a woman who is very proud of her Chinese background.
Of course I am!
tora taro