中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 170 Wrap-up Friday

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 170 Wrap-up Friday

This Week’s Stories


Lesson 166 美しいサンゴ礁

Kota is riding in a boat in the Great Barrier Reef with Briony and Harry.
Harry: We’re arriving at the edge of the Great Barrier Reef now. It’s the largest coral reef in the world, Kota. It can be seen even from outer space.

Kota: Wow!

Briony: Are you excited?

Kota: Yes, but it’s my first time snorkeling.

Briony: Don’t worry. It’s not dangerous. You will see so many fantastic sea creatures! Just remember, don’t touch the coral or the animals. It’s bad for them.

Harry: We’re here! We need masks, snorkels, and fins. They’re in the bucket at
the back of the boat. Let’s put them on and jump in!

Kota: OK!


The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world. It can be seen even from outer space.

Lesson 167 すごくきれいだったね

Briony and Kota are chatting on the boat after snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef.
Briony: That was incredible!

Kota: Yeah! The underwater scenery was spectacular! There were so many different kinds of colorful coral in the ocean. It was so beautiful! And there were so many fish!

Briony: Yeah, they were swimming all around us!

Kota: I felt like a fish myself!

Briony: Did you see the clownfish?

Kota: Which ones were they?

Briony: The clownfish were the orange fish with the white stripes.

Kota: Oh yeah, they were cute. Did you see the sea turtle?

Briony: Yes! It was just floating lazily.

Kota: And eating seaweed.

Briony: Hopefully we can see some baby sea turtles tomorrow.


There were so many different kinds of colorful coral in the ocean. Kota and Briony saw clownfish and a sea turtle.

Lesson 168 ウミガメの砂浜

Kota, Angie, and Briony are on a beach near the Great Barrier Reef.
Angie: This beach is famous for sea turtle hatching.

Kota: I don’t see anything, Angie.

Angie: Trust me. This is a beach full of sea turtle eggs. You can’t see them because they’re in the sand.

Kota: Oh, OK.

Angie: Sea turtles lay their eggs in summer. In summer, the sand keeps the eggs warm. They begin to hatch in January.

Briony: There are only seven species of sea turtle in the world. And six of them can be seen in the Great Barrier Reef!

Kota: Wow, I didn’t know that, either, Briony.

Briony: Also, most species of sea turtle are endangered. So, we should really cheer them on!


Sea turtles lay their eggs in summer. They begin to hatch in January.

Lesson 169 がんばれ、ベイビー!

Kota and his friends get ready to watch the hatching of the sea turtles.
Briony: It’s nearly sunset. That’s our best chance to see the hatching of the sea turtles.

Angie: Yes, they come out at high tide.

Kota: Oh, look! Something’s coming out of the sand! It’s a baby sea turtle! There’s another one!

Briony: There are lots of them!

Kota: They’re so small and adorable!

Harry: Yeah, I guess they’re only about five centimeters long.

Angie: Now they have to run to the water safely. Sometimes other animals try to eat them.

Kota: But the water is so close.

Angie: The distance they run is short for us. But for them it’s long.

Kota: Come on, little turtles, run!

Briony: You can do it!


The baby sea turtles have to run to the water safely. Sometimes other animals try to eat them.

Working Out☆Plus☆

Working Out

Stuart : The book on the desk is mine.

Anya: The computer in my room is mine.

The pencil case on the desk is mine.

The bag on the chair is mine.

The glasses on the table are mine.

The shoes under the chair are mine,

tora taro