中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 154 みんなにプレゼント

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 154 みんなにプレゼント

Story Time

Kota, Briony, Nigel, and Sapna are exchanging Christmas presents.
Kota: These presents are for all of you.

Sapna: Oh, wow! Those are pretty big! Have you been carrying them all day?

Kota: Yes, I have. They were in my bag. Here you are.

Sapna: Thanks, Kota! What are they?

Nigel: They must be a kind of portable fan.

Kota: That’s right, Nigel. They are called uchiwa. They are traditional Japanese fans. They’re often made of paper and bamboo. They’re very refreshing on hot days.

Briony: And there’s Japanese writing on them.

Kota: Yes, I wrote your names in Japanese.

Sapna: That’s so cool. We’ll treasure these!

Words & Phrases

(be) carrying  ~を持ち歩いている、~を運んでいる
all day  一日中
portable  持ち運びできる
fan  うちわ、扇子、 あおいで風を起こす道具
bamboo  竹
treasure  ~を大切にする
refreshing  さわやかな、すがすがしい

Retelling Prep

Kota gave Nigel, Sapna, and Briony uchiwa as Christmas presents. They’re often made of paper and bamboo.

Today’s Goal

Have you been carrying them all day?

Working Out

Have you been reading a book for two hours?
Have you been recording since this morning?
Have you been playing a game for three hours?

Have a Chat

Hi, Stuart. Have you been recording since this morning?
Yes, I have. But I’ve just finished.


Have you been reading a book for two hours?

Have you been playing a game for three hours?

Wrap It Up!

Kota gave Nigel, Sapna, and Briony uchiwa as Christmas presents. They’re often made of paper and bamboo.

Today’s Story


Kota, Briony, Nigel, and Sapna are exchanging Christmas presents.

Today`s Story

These presents are for all of you.
Oh, wow! Those are pretty big! Have you been carrying them all day?
Yes, I have. They were in my bag. Here you are.
Thanks, Kota! What are they?
They must be a kind of portable fan.
That’s right, Nigel. They are called uchiwa. They are traditional Japanese fans. They’re often made of paper and bamboo. They’re very refreshing on hot days.
And there’s Japanese writing on them.
Yes, I wrote your names in Japanese.
That’s so cool. We’ll treasure these!
tora taro