中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 145 Wrap-up Friday

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 145 Wrap-up Friday

This Week’s Stories


Lesson 141 タスマニアに到着!

Kota and the Millers are flying to Tasmania. They are on a weekend trip to visit Max’s cousin, Emily.
Pilot: We’ll soon be landing at Hobart Airport, Tasmania.

Angie: The island of Tasmania is shaped like a heart, Kota.

Kota: Neat!

Angie: Look out the window. You can see Tasmania, now!

Kota: There’s so much green!

Angie: Tasmania has the most rainforest of any state in Australia. And the air and water are especially clean. There are also many rare, amazing animals in Tasmania.

Kota: Like the Tasmanian devil?

Angie: Well, that’s an endangered species. So, I don’t think we’ll see any of them.

Emily: Welcome to Tasmania!

Angie: Aunt Emily! This is Kota. He has stayed with us since April.


The island of Tasmania is shaped like a heart.
It has the most rainforest of any state in Australia.

Lesson 142 農場で、お手伝い

Kota and the Millers are at Emily’s fruit farm. She is showing them around.
Kota: Wow, there are so many trees!

Emily: The mild climate in Tasmania is perfect for growing fruit.

Kota: Yes, it’s much cooler here than in Sydney.

Emily: Tasmania exports fruit to many countries in Asia. Right now, berries are in season. We have been busy since last week. And those trees over there are our most popular – cherries. So, Angie, Kota, today you’re going to help me with cherry-picking! Take a basket, and let’s start picking!

Kota & Angie: OK!


The mild climate in Tasmania is perfect for growing fruit. It exports fruit to many countries in Asia.

Lesson 143 ほら、見てごらん

The next day, everyone is canoeing on a river. Emily and Kota are in the same canoe.
Emily: OK, we can rest for a while now. The water’s calm here.

Kota: It’s my first time canoeing.

Emily: Well, you paddled very well.

Kota: The scenery along the river is lovely.

Emily: Tasmanian landscapes are unique in Australia.

Kota: Were you born in Tasmania?

Emily: No, I’m from Sydney originally, like Max.

Kota: Have you lived in Tasmania for a long time?

Emily: Yes, I have. Shh! Look over there! It’s a platypus!

Kota: Wow! Its bill is big.

Emily: You’re lucky. They’re extremely shy animals.


Kota and Emily found a platypus. Platypuses are extremely shy animals.

Lesson 144 栄養たっぷりなの

That evening, everyone is eating dinner at Emily’s fruit farm.
Kota: This fish is excellent, Aunt Emily.

Emily: Thanks. It’s our famous Tasmanian salmon. Our salmon is very nutritious, healthy, and delicious. It’s popular around the world.

Kota: It’s imported to Japan, too.

Angie: And the sauce is delicious.

Emily: It’s made from cherries. You and Kota picked these cherries yesterday.

Kota: Neat! How long have you owned this fruit farm?

Emily: For about ten years.

Kota: So, many Tasmanian products are well-known in Japan. For example, salmon, cherries, and Tasmanian beef.

Emily: And did you know? We grow and eat wasabi, too!

Kota: Wow! There’s a strong connection between Japan and Tasmania!


Many Tasmanian products are well-known in Japan. There’s a strong connection between Japan and Tasmania.

Working Out☆Plus☆

Working Out

I’ve lived here since last year.
Have you lived here since last year?
How long have you lived here?
I’ve known her since April.
Have you known her since April?
How long have you known her?
I’ve studied English for two years.
Have you studied English for two years?
How long have you studied English?
tora taro