中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 080 Wrap-up Friday

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 080 Wrap-up Friday

This Week’s Stories



In Harry’s car. Kota, Harry, Briony, and Angie are driving to the beach to go surfing.
Angie: Kota woke up extra early today.

Harry: Why is that?

Kota: I had to finish making onigiris for everyone.

Briony: Oh, yay! What kind did you make?

Kota: I made salmon, kelp… and, of course, tuna mayonnaise onigiris!

Harry: Where did you get those ingredients?

Kota: I went to a Japanese food specialty store.

Briony: Salmon, kelp, tuna… they all come from the ocean.

Kota: Yes! It’s an ocean theme.

Harry: Great! We can get some ocean energy first. Then we can go in the ocean!


Kota had to finish making onigiris for everyone. He made salmon, kelp, and tuna mayonnaise onigiris.


Kota, Briony, Harry, and Angie are at Manly Beach. They are eating the onigiris.
Angie: Thanks to your onigiris, I feel powered up!

Kota: I’m glad you liked them.

Harry: The water’s a little bit cold at this time of year. We’ll need to wear full wetsuits. Don’t worry, Kota. I have an extra one for you.

Kota: I appreciate it, Harry. I’m looking forward to trying again!

Harry: Wow, that’s a good attitude! You’re very confident today.

Angie: I wonder why.

Kota: Shh!


The water’s a little bit cold at this time of year. They’ll need to wear full wetsuits.


Kota, Briony, Angie, and Harry are in the water with their surfboards.
Kota: OK, remember everyone’s advice. Remember your practice. But it may be too difficult. Briony’s watching. Wait! Stop worrying. You stood up before. You can do it again. Calm down. Just concentrate.

Briony: This wave looks good, Kota! Go for it!

Kota: Hup! I’m up! I’m standing! Woo-hoo! Yes!

Angie: Way to go, Kota!

Harry: Wow! You stood up for 10 seconds!

Briony: That’s amazing!


Kota stood up for 10 seconds. Briony thinks that’s amazing.


Kota, Briony, Angie, and Harry are on the beach.
Harry: That was very impressive, Kota.

Angie: I’m so proud of you!

Briony: Yeah, you did really well. And it was only your second time.

Kota: Actually, I have a secret. I practiced with Angie.

Harry: You did?

Angie: But you tried really hard, Kota. And you succeeded.

Kota: Practicing with you was very helpful.

Harry: Aww, Angie, you’re so sweet!

Briony: Let’s go surfing again, Kota!

Kota: Definitely!

Briony: How about tomorrow?

Kota: Tomorrow?!


Kota practiced with Angie. Practicing with her was very helpful.

Working Out☆Plus☆

Working Out

I’m looking forward to going to the beach.

I’m looking forward to seeing my friends.

I’m looking forward to reading a lot of books.

I’m looking forward to playing video games.

I’m looking forward to practicing my club activities.


tora taro