中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 071 海辺の活動

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 071 海辺の活動

Story Time

Kota and Briony gather with a group of volunteers at Bondi Beach for the beach clean-up.
Briony: I’m glad you could come, Kota.

Kota: I’m excited to join the beach clean-up.

Andrew: Hi, I’m Andrew, a lifeguard here. I’ll be your leader today. Everyone, we have a lot of work to do today. Take one bag and one pair of tongs. You can use the tongs to pick up trash. Then put it in the bag.

Kota: I thought lifeguards rescue people in the ocean.

Briony: They do, but they also lead activities like this.

Words & Phrases

lifeguard (海水浴場やプールの)ライフガード、救助員
leader リーダー、指導者
pick up… ~を拾い上げる
trash ゴミ
thought(<think) ~だと思った
rescue …を救助する
lead ~を導く、~を指導する

Retelling Prep

Kota is excited to join the beach clean-up. He thought lifeguards rescue people in the ocean.

Today’s Goal

We have a lot of work to do today.

Working Out

I have a lot of homework to do.
I have many things to finish.
I have lots of reports to write.

Have a Chat

We are going to a wildlife park this weekend.
Why don’t you come with us?
Sorry. I have a lot of homework to do.
OK. Let’s take a rain check.

Wrap It Up!

Kota is excited to join the beach clean-up. He thought lifeguards rescue people in the ocean.

Today’s Story


Kota and Briony gather with a group of volunteers at Bondi Beach for the beach clean-up.

Today`s Story

I’m glad you could come, Kota.
I’m excited to join the beach clean-up.
Hi, I’m Andrew, a lifeguard here. I’ll be your leader today.
Everyone, we have a lot of work to do today.
Take one bag and one pair of tongs. You can use the tongs to pick up trash. Then put it in the bag.
I thought lifeguards rescue people in the ocean.
They do, but they also lead activities like this.
tora taro