中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 024 岩手から来ました

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 024 岩手から来ました

Story Time

In Mr. Bennett’s homeroom class. Kota is introducing himself to the class.
Kota: I’m from Iwate in northern Japan.

Iwate is a lovely place with a lot of beautiful nature. It snows a lot!

This is wanko soba, a regional Iwate dish.

The staff keeps putting more soba noodles in your bowl. You have to keep eating! It’s a challenge.

You have to try to eat as many as possible. Thank you for listening!

Mr. Bennett: Wonderful! Thank you, Kota.

Words & Phrases

northern 北の、北部の
lovely すてきな
regional 地域の
staff スタッフ(ここでは店員の意味)《通常単数形》

Retelling Prep

Iwate is a lovely place with a lot of beautiful nature. It snows a lot.

Today’s Goal

You have to keep eating!

Working Out

Hanako keeps eating.
Hanako keeps drinking.
Hanako keeps talking.
Hanako keeps singing.

Have a Chat

This is so much fun!
Anya keeps eating.
That’s OK. She looks very happy. So, I’m happy, too.

Wrap It Up!

Iwate is a lovely place with a lot of beautiful nature. It snows a lot.

Today’s Story


In Mr. Bennett’s homeroom class. Kota is introducing himself to the class, and he shows some pictures.

Today`s Story

I’m from Iwate in northern Japan.
Iwate is a lovely place with a lot of beautiful nature. It snows a lot!
This is wanko soba, a regional Iwate dish.
The staff keeps putting more soba noodles in your bowl. You have to keep eating! It’s a challenge.
You have to try to eat as many as possible.
Thank you for listening!
Wonderful! Thank you, Kota.
tora taro