中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 153 サンタたちの贈り物

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 153 サンタたちの贈り物

Story Time


Brandon: Thanks for the scarf, Min-jun! How do I look, guys?

Emma: You look great!

Ayane: It suits you.

Brandon: OK, I’ll go next! Emma, I’m your Secret Santa. This is for you.

Emma: Thanks, Brandon. Oh, a pretty notebook! I like the flowers on the cover. This art style looks familiar…

Brandon: Look at the design more carefully. It’s a new watercolor painting by Lisa Johnson. You mentioned that you like her art.

Emma: Yes, that’s right! How thoughtful of you, Brandon.

Words & Phrases

scarf マフラー
suits(<suit) ~に似合う
cover 表紙
style 様式、スタイル
familiar 見覚えがある
carefully 注意して、気をつけて
mentioned(<mention) ~を言った、 ~を話に出した
thoughtful 思いやりがある、親切な

Today’s Story


Thanks for the scarf, Min-jun! How do I look, guys?
You look great!
It suits you.
OK, I’ll go next! Emma, I’m your Secret Santa. This is for you.


Thanks, Brandon. Oh, a pretty notebook! I like the flowers on the cover. This art style looks familiar…
Look at the design more carefully. It’s a new watercolor painting by Lisa Johnson. You mentioned that you like her art.
Yes, that’s right! How thoughtful of you, Brandon.

Today’s CAN-DO

Look at the design more carefully.

Another Example

Speak more quietly in the computer room.
We need to write more clearly.

CAN-DO Practice

The players should shoot more carefully.
The cheerleaders should cheer more loudly.

Let’s Chat!

What is the WFP?
It’s an organization which works to solve the hunger problem.
I see.
tora taro