中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 093 秋、それとも春が好き?

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 093 秋、それとも春が好き?

Story Time


Ayane: This jacket is perfect for the cool weather. It will look great with boots. I love this time of year!

Emma: Me, too. I think that fall is the nicest season.

Brandon: Really? I like spring. The weather is warm, and baseball season begins!

Min-jun: Spring is my favorite season, too.

Ayane: Don’t you like seeing the fall leaves?

Emma: Last year, my family went hiking in upstate New York. The scenery was breathtaking!

Words & Phrases

nicest (<nice) いちばんいい
fall leaves 紅葉
upstate New York ニューヨーク州北部
scenery 景色
breathtaking 息をのむような、すごい

Today’s Story


This jacket is perfect for the cool weather. It will look great with boots. I love this time of year!
Me, too. I think that fall is the nicest season.
Really? I like spring. The weather is warm, and baseball season begins!
Spring is my favorite season, too.
Don’t you like seeing the fall leaves?
Last year, my family went hiking in upstate New York. The scenery was breathtaking!

Today’s CAN-DO

I think that fall is the nicest season.

Another Example

Min-jun got the highest score in the contest.
Early afternoon is the busiest time at Parkside Cafe.

CAN-DO Practice

This is the largest park in our town.
This is the oldest temple in our town.

Let’s Chat!

What a cute kitten!
She is the cutest kitten in the world.
She is so adorable!
tora taro