中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 079 楽しみに待ってるよ!

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 079 楽しみに待ってるよ!


Story Time


Lucas: Welcome back to our channel! I’m Lucas…

Lea: …and I’m Lea! We have some big news.

Lucas: The deadline for the contest is today!

Lea: Whoa! Winnie is happy to hear that! He’s jumping up!

Lucas: Guys, this is Winnie, our bulldog. Our family named him Winston, but we call him Winnie.

Lea: Isn’t he adorable?

Lucas: Anyway, please send us your designs by midnight tonight!

Lea: We can’t wait to see them!

Words & Phrases

news 知らせ
(be)jumping up(<jump) 飛び上がっている
named A B(<name) AをBと名づけた
call A B AをBと呼ぶ
adorable とてもかわいい
anyway とにかく《本題にもどるときなど》
send A B AにBを送る

Today’s Story


Welcome back to our channel! I’m Lucas…
…and I’m Lea! We have some big news.
The deadline for the contest is today!
Whoa! Winnie is happy to hear that! He’s jumping up!
Guys, this is Winnie, our bulldog. Our family named him Winston, but we call him Winnie.
Isn’t he adorable?
Anyway, please send us your designs by midnight tonight!
We can’t wait to see them!

Today’s CAN-DO

Our family named him Winston, but we call him Winnie.

Another Example

I’m Scarlett Goldheart. Please call me Scarlett.

CAN-DO Practice


We call the screen Sudafed.
We call the game suika wari.

Let’s Chat!

What a beautiful sound! What’s that?
We call it furin.
It’s really charming.
tora taro