中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 076 ようやくできた…!

中学生の基礎英語 レベル2 Lesson 076 ようやくできた…!


Story Time


Min-jun: I finished my designs, Mom. See? I’m going to scan them and submit them online now.

Ha-rin: They look excellent, Min-jun! How did you come up with those outfits?

Min-jun: I read an article in Dream Mode Magazine the other day, remember? I found the article interesting. Their models talked about their favorite clothes. They like different outfits for different situations. That gave me an idea!

Ha-rin: Oh?

Words & Phrases

scan ~をスキャンする、(文書・画像など)を取り込む
submit ~を提出する
online オンラインで
come up with… (考えなど)を思いつく
the other day 先日
found A B(<find) AがBとわかった、AがBだと思った
situations(<situation) 状況、シーン(日常生活の場面)
physics 物理学

Today’s Story


I finished my designs, Mom. See? I’m going to scan them and submit them online now.
They look excellent, Min-jun! How did you come up with those outfits?
I read an article in Dream Mode Magazine the other day, remember?
I found the article interesting. Their models talked about their favorite clothes.
They like different outfits for different situations. That gave me an idea!

Today’s CAN-DO

I found the article interesting.

Another Example

Ayana found the spicy fried chicken delicious.

CAN-DO Practice


I found physics interesting.
I found surfing challenging.

Let’s Chat!

I come from a very small town. It’s in upstate New York.
I found it great fun.
That’s nice.
tora taro