基礎英語レベル2 今週の復習・英訳練習

今週の基礎英語レベル2の「夏期復習シリーズ」第4週目、 Story Time の例文を英訳練習してみましょう。


Look at this, Emma! There’s a fashion design contest for teens!
Nice! What kind of contest?
Let’s see. It says, “You must design outfits for Lea and Lucas Harrison.” They’re models for Dream Mode Magazine.
Oh! They’re twins, right?
Right! I watch their videos all the time.
You should enter the contest. I bet you can win!
Do you think so? I’ll ask Aunt Rio about it!


What do you think, Aunt Rio? Should I enter the contest?
Yes, I think you should. I’m sure you can think of a great design.
Thanks. I’ll do my best!
Remember, Ayane. In your design work, you’ll probably face some challenges. You shouldn’t get discouraged. Think of a solution, and don’t give up.
You’re right. I’ll remember that.


I know! I can design a dress for Lea and a suit for Lucas. Or, I can design matching outfits for them!
Those are both good ideas.
Should I use the same colors, or different colors? What about fabrics? I have too many ideas! Where should I begin?
I usually draw all my ideas in a sketchbook. Then, I can compare them and choose my favorite.


Hi, everyone! I’m Lea…
…and I’m Lucas. Welcome to our channel!
So, what are we going to do today, Lucas?
This is really exciting. Today, we’re going to play a video game. Here it is. The Great Adventures of Kai and Riku!
Really? Yes! That’s one of my favorite games.
You won last time, but I’m going to win this time. I promise!
Yeah, right!


Do you love fashion design?
Are you between the ages of 13 and 16 years old?
This is the content for you!
You must design outfits for Lea and Lucas Harrison, our twin models.
They will wear the winner’s outfits in a photo shoot for Dream Mode Magazine!
tora taro